Every day, the men and women of our police department stand in harm’s way to protect and serve the citizens of our community. They deserve our gratitude and support. By donating to the Foundation, you are standing behind those who wear the badge.
As a non-profit charitable organization, the SPF can accept contributions that are fully tax-deductible. Donors may request that contributions be used for needs identified by the Foundation or for specific purposes and programs. Requests for anonymity from donors are honored.
By donating to the Police Foundation, we are able to assist the men and women of the SPD with resources that our city cannot readily fund.
For more information on how to donate to the Foundation, contact us at [email protected].
You can designate a specific program for your donation or donate to our general fund. Donations can be sent directly to the Foundation at PO Box 9226, Spokane, WA 99209, donate online. To donate via Paypal, click here.
Donate Today!
The role of the Foundation is not to displace funding for basic law enforcement, or to reduce in any way the responsibility of the City of Spokane to commit the necessary funding for law enforcement services for its citizens. However, as modern law enforcement tasks continue to become more complex, the Spokane Police Department, similar to police departments across the country, has increasing needs to stay current in training, technology and equipment, and communication and partnership efforts with the community.